Solar Park in raw wood


Located in Aveyron, Mecojit installs photovoltaic panels on the roof. Mecojit has been managing the
development, construction, monitoring and maintenance of photovoltaic power plants for nearly 10
years. Their company has been specialised in solar photovoltaic roof integration projects and their
experience makes them one of the major solar photovoltaic actors in the South of France: Aquitaine,
Poitou-Charentes, Languedoc-Roussillon, up to Rhône-Alpes and PACA.


Everything starts from a crazy idea of a member of the Mecojit team, which has the ambition to create
the first raw solar park. They wanted to communicate about this project, to promote their company by
putting their principles forward, so we accompanied and filmed them, and advised them throughout
their projects, so that the media create best fits reality while being on the performance of storytelling.

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